Building blocks of Case Life Cycle and Naming Convention
We discussed about case life cycle (CLC), case type and cases in our previous article about pega express methodology. If you haven't read it , please refer the link : Pega Express Methodology In this article we can discuss about the building blocks of a case life cycle, Stages, Processes and steps.
We identify Stages in a CLC in the following scenario:
- When Case transfer from one worker to another
- When there is a significant change in the case status.
E.g. In case of online ordering , Customer place the request and Company process it , so there is a change of ownership in the case life cycle. So both Submit Order and Processing should be two different stages.
- Series of tasks or steps that user complete as they work on a case.
- A stage can have multiple processes
- Either a User action (An action performed by a user, user is presented with a form to perform the action) or an automated action (Action performed by the system without user involvement) within a process.
Naming Convention
When naming rules in pega also, make sure it is business friendly.
When naming Stage ask yourself the following questions. The Stage name should fit into these questions except for stages that resolve the case.
- When does this case move to ----------------------------?
- How many cases are in --------------------------------------?
- This case is in ------------------------------------------?
Create Stage
- Introduced from 8.5 onwards
- First stage in the case life cycle
- Indicated by a Green bar
- Used to set the initial values upon case creation
- Cannot be deleted or repositioned
- Cases that include the create stage are persisted be default and are assigned a case ID upon case creation
Resolution Stage
- Indicates the case behavior at the end of a case life cycle.
- Indicated by a Red bar
- A case should have at least one resolution stage and can have more than one also based on the path the case follows (alternate path).
- E.g. Verification stage and Approval rejection stage, in both scenario the case is resolved.
Primary Stage : Stages that lead to an expected Outcome.
Primary Path : The path that a case takes through the CLC without deviating from the primary stage is called the primary path.
Alternate Stage : Stages that handle deviation from the primary path .It represents a negative resolution stage or used for exception handling to allow the case to reenter the primary path when the exception is handled .It is optional (it is not necessary that a case should have alternate stage).
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